In my recent blog “Be, Do, Have,” I talked about a book study with Robert Kiyosaki and his ideas that you must determine who you are at the core before you can create any level of true success in life. I was happy to have a chance to extend that concept this past week in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I spent time there with Robert Helms and Russell Gray of The Real Estate Guys and some of the best thought leaders in the world when it comes to real estate, economics and the environment.
While many of my fellow conference attendees were seasoned in their economic niche, most of the conversation revolved around relationships and how we can create a better world for all of us.
Eight Forms of Capital
Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart of Peak Prosperity talked about the eight forms of capital in our lives. These include financial, social, knowledge, and emotional capital, among others. One would think that a real estate conference would revolve around financial capital. That was true to some degree, but we also discussed how we create lasting success when we focus on emotional and social capital. If done properly, financial capital will follow.
Knowledge, or intellectual capital, comes from listening to folks such as G. Edward Griffin, Simon Black, and Peter Schiff. These are some of the brightest minds society has to offer. They help us understand where we fit in a world whose leaders do not always reveal their true motivations. While intellectual capital is important, it is still vital to act on this knowledge from a grounded spiritual and relational base.
Social capital is measured by the number and quality of your relationships. A relationship built on mutual respect and trust is an asset that will withstand any economic storm. Relationships built around money, or predicated on what the other party can do for you, are weak and will collapse in the face of adversity. True social capital is difficult to acquire and requires hard work and a dose of humility.
Defining Success
How does this apply to finance and real estate? Robert Kiyosaki, known for teaching financial education, more frequently stresses the spiritual nature of life and how success comes from within. If we do not work on ourselves first, and then use that position to enrich others, we lose out on the true bounty of life. These are generalized principles that remain constant, regardless of the economic or political environment.
While we all want to be successful in life, the first step might be to determine our definition of success and wealth. Henry David Thorough said that the definition of wealth is “The ability to fully experience life.” Maybe that gives us some latitude to determine how we view success. Society’s measurement is often tied to financial metrics, but true happiness and success is multifactorial and much more satisfying.
Most of the folks that read this are already a step ahead of the rest of the world, or they would not be reading it. Many people are on a journey of financial improvement and likely measure wealth in money, doors, or square feet. At Presario, we do measure tangible metrics, but we treasure the relationships we have cultivated. Our philosophy is the more you give, the more you receive. If we can spark the intellectual and social curiosity of just one person, then we have succeeded. We wish you the same success!
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash